Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Winter Holiday

I've been having a great Christmas holiday in Nelson, British Columbia with my family.  I snowshoed for the first time since elementary school, and I really enjoyed it!  It's so great to be out in the woods.  And the trees look so beautiful covered in snow.

I hope everyone is having a cozy, and friendly holiday as well.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Skier Riding Caribou Home : Holiday Cards

The holiday season has arrived!  Time for chocolate rum balls, pine sented candles and Christmas lights.

This year I created an illustrated holiday card.  You can pick it up in Toronto at Scout or Freedom, or if you're out of town, you can buy a set of 8 from my Etsy shop.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Winter Holidays

So I'm celebrating my winter holiday back in the West Kootenay's with my family.  I've been cross country skiing and merry making, and I intend to do plenty more over the next week!

It's been a busy year for me filled with drawing, illustrating, framing, reading, writing, teaching and generally working hard.  I'm thrilled with what I've accomplished over the year and excited for what's coming next.  But it's so important for me to fit in as many outdoor expeditions as I can manage around the edges.

I hope you all are enjoying your own picturesque Christmas!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Cards

This year I wanted to make a winter greeting card that I could put out into the world ... for sale!  This is the first time I've done this, and it's been pretty exciting for me.  I really want to keep coming out with new illustrated products to sell in my etsy shop, as well as in select stores.

I decided I wanted the theme to be a festive winter scape.  The illustration is of a crowned, masked girl in green riding an arctic fox, led by a bright red cardinal.  It almost gives me the feel of the Three Kings traveling through the wilderness.

The cards are sold in sets of 8, measuring 4.25"x5.5".  The set comes with snow white envelops.  The inside of the card is blank and ready for your personal greetings to your loved ones.