Saturday, March 23, 2013

Today's Parent Magazine: Debate Illustration

Here's the latest published illustration I created for Today's Parent Magazine!  This one was for the debate section of the March issue.  Read the debate here (about nanny cams).

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Interval House Gratitude Report 2012

I love the 2012 Interval House gratitude report!  It was created and designed by the wonderful people at Agents of Good.  Throughout the report, my dollhouse illustration can be found in the photos.

I created this dollhouse illustration for the 2009 gratitude report.  The people at Interval House liked the illustration so much that they bought the framed original.  I'm so glad it continues to be a loved and useful piece of artwork for this Toronto battered woman's shelter.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Nature Canada Thank You Card

This was a really fun commission I received through the wonderful people at Agents of Good.  It's an illustration for Nature Canada to be printed as a card and sent out to people who had donated to the organization over the last year.  The client wanted to include water, trees, people and animals.  But it was important that it could look like anywhere in Canada.

I thought the final turned out rather well!  I love doing outdoorsy illustrations.